Transport Services

    For 17 consecutive years in the field, our company, gathering the required experience as well as the corresponding reliability, provides transfer services to any tourist destination or not (social event, conference, event, etc.), on the island of Rhodes, with a view to safety and service. of its customers. The immediate goals of our company are the creation of new collaborations with other agencies.

    Aim of the compamy

    The goal of our company is to continue to build a relationship of trust with our customers as well as the provision of high quality services to meet all the expectations and requirements of each customer individually.

    5 buses of 53 seats
    1 mini bus VIP 19 seats
    2 buses of 65 seats
    1 super VIP 11 seats
    1 midi 25 seats
    1 Taxi


    A few words about our company

     The EMM. KARATZIAS & CO EE was founded in 2005 by Mr. KARATZIA MANOLI and Mrs. PAPAGEORGIOU ANTONIA  in Rhodes as an inbound tourism office. The vision of our company is its evolution, so that it can provide services that will meet the expectactions of the requirements of its cutomers, ensuring the best value for money .


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